We will keep you informed of the latest news about our pioneering spot and share interesting items about Transvaal.
Friday, March 10, 2023
March 5th we had the Hopeful Sunday for the first time. We gathered in a small group to worship God and read the Bible. It was a moving moment to light an Easter candle for the first time in our pioneering place. It felt like the start of a new chapter.
We started with an accessible walk-in with a delicious lunch and then started the celebration. The Easter candle has an image with a lamb on it. This symbolizes the Lamb of God. That is also what the Gospel words that received extra emphasis were about; John the Baptist said of Jesus "There is the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world." There was room for conversation and prayer and we listened, among other things, to the beautiful song 'lamb of God' by the band Sela.
Feel free to come next time, see here for info and registration.
De vergeten kinderen van de arbeidsmigrant
July 16, 2024
Start Hopeful Sunday
March 10, 2023
Update project Cooking with girls
January 27, 2023
Building bridges & practicing understanding
May 21, 2022